Visitor Information

Visiting the Amache Museum

New Amache museum. Photo courtesy Amache Preservation Society.

The Amache Museum is located in downtown Granada at 205 E. Goff Ave. It is staffed by Granada High School students who volunteer with the Amache Preservation Society (APS).


  • Tuesday-Friday 9AM-4PM
  • CLOSED Saturday-Monday, and major holidays

NOTE: The museum will be open Fri and Sat May 16-17, 9AM-5PM for Pilgrimage Weekend.

Contact APS at [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

Visiting the Amache site

Amache sign. Photo courtesy Kirsten Leong.Amache is in southeastern Colorado about a mile and a half west of the town of Granada and half an hour drive from the Kansas border. It is off of Highway 385/50 along the Santa Fe Trail. You can access the site by going west from Granada on Hwy 385/50 and turning south on CO-Rd 23 5/10. The main entrance is almost a mile, just past W. Amache Rd.

Main entrance: Kiosks, walking trail, and new Honor Roll Memorial

After almost a mile on CO-Rd 23 5/10, you will reach the main entry gate to Amache, where there are flags, an Honor Roll Memorial, and three interpretive kiosk panels. The reconstructed Honor Roll Memorial lists the names of the men and women of Amache who served in the military during WWII. The kiosk panels give visitors an idea of what happened at the site. One panel includes a bulletin board that is used to notify visitors of upcoming events or other important information. There is also a walking trail and picnic tables that the Amache Preservation Society maintains. Along this trail is the plaque designating the Amache site as a National Historic Landmark. Amache Preservation Society members traveled to Denver to buy the large stone that the plaque is attached to and that visitors can see today.

Main entrance, 2022. Photo courtesy Kirsten Leong.

Kiosks. Photo courtesy Kirsten Leong.

Self-guided Audio Driving Tour

You can download a self-guided driving map and audio tour of Amache to play through your phone, tablet, or mp3 player as you visit locations throughout Amache. Make sure to check out the site visitation information on the know before you go page.

Virtual visits

If you are unable to visit Amache in person, there are a wealth of related videos on the Virtual Pilgrimage page. There are also some videos that serve as virtual site tours:

  • Amache Virtual Pilgrimage 2021 Opening Ceremony includes a driving tour with John Hopper and look at some of the special Amache Museum collections with the APS students.
  • Tadaima 2020 Amache Site Tour includes aerial footage and a tour of the new Amache Museum with John Hopper.