Waypoint 5: Internee Inscriptions and 9L Social Gardens
Internee Inscriptions: Amache formally opened in September 1942, but the camp was not yet finished when we arrived. Even though several hundred evacuees, chosen for their skills as laborers, truck drivers, and medical and clerical personnel, were sent ahead of the rest of us to help finish camp construction, much work still needed to be completed once we got there. My father Sam Masami Ono evidently volunteered to help pour this foundation block for a water heater in the 9L latrine-bathing structure along with others who also signed their still wet concrete handiwork…
9L Social Gardens: During the summer of 2008 I was able to volunteer in the University of Denver’s archaeology and museum studies field school at Amache. As part of the field school we excavated this oval garden. We uncovered the cinder block outline of the garden and found different types of artifacts in the garden like a nail polish bottle, hair barrette, and marbles that told us that the garden
Internee Inscriptions and 9L Social Gardens
9L Social Gardens